Performance Inspired Training

Helping Young Athletes Go Beyond Their PotentialHelping Active Adults Live Stronger, Happier, & Healthier LivesSince 2002

Strength Speed & Power

Building Stronger, Capable, & Confident Athletes Since 2002

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P.I.T. F.I.T.
Functional Integrated Training

Custom Training
For Busy Adults living Stronger, Healthier, & Happier Lives

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Shop at PIT FIT with HSA/FSA Funds

At PIT SSP & PIT FIT, we believe training can be medicine, and our new partners at Truemed agree.Through our collaboration with Truemed, eligible customers can now use Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA) funds on our
small group or private training plans!
This means you may be eligible to pay for any plan with pre-tax dollars, resulting in average net savings of 30%.HSA's and FSA's were created for you to spend tax-advantaged dollars on products and services that can treat or prevent medical conditions and our partnership with Truemed is making it easy to do just that.


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